From submarine volcanoes to modern carbonate platforms: new insights from the Mozambique Channel (SW Indian Ocean) Stéphan Jorry (Ifremer, Brest) Amphitheatre ???, 2PM…
The rise and fall of the Audouin’s gull at La Banya: a few lessons for population ecology Dr Daniel Oro, Mediterranean Institute for Advanced Studies (IMEDEA) – Department of Biodiversity and…
Can demographic inferences after a range expansion be biased? The not-so-strange case of the river shark Glyphis garricki Dr Stefano Mona, Institut de Systématique, Évolution, Biodiversité, UMR 7205 Amphitheatre Monge, 11AM…
From macroecology to on the ground monitoring: understanding population patterns and processes. Dr Chris Carbone, Institut of Zoology, ZSL, London, UK Ampitheatre Monge, 11AM…
paléoenvironnements et foraminifères antartiques Wojciech Majewski (Institute of Paleobiology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warszawa) Thursday 25th October 2018, 1PM, amphitheatre Guyton de Morveau…
Peer Community in: a free public system for peer-reviewing and highlighting preprints Denis Bourguet, Centre de Biologie pour la Gestion des Populations (CBGP) Amphitheatre Monge, 2.30PM…
How does environmental variability affect foraging behaviour and life history traits in Southern Ocean seabirds? Nina Dehnhard, Antwerp university, Belgium Friday 1st December 2017, 11AM, amphitheatre Monge…
Oxygen-17 and the search for the earliest direct evidence of atmospheric oxygen Bryan Killingsworth (IUEM) Wednesday 25th January 2017, 11AM, amphitheatre Courtois …
Next generation biomonitoring of change in ecosystem structure and function David Bohan, INRA Dijon Friday 2nd December 2016, 11AM, amphitheatre Monge…