Ancient proteins in shells: what can they do for Palaeolithic archaeology? Béatrice Demarchi, York University Friday 20th February 2015, 11AM, André Leroi-Gourhan room, laboratoire ArteHis…
Sex ratio drive and polyandry Nina Wedell, Centre for Ecology & Conservation Biosciences, University of Exeter – UK Friday 19th Dececember 2014, 11AM, amphitheatre Monge…
The evolutionary ecology of pathogen-host Interactions: how do the competing needs of hosts and their pathogens affect resistance and virulence? Kurt McKean, Department of biological, biomedical, and environmental sciences, University of…
Social environment and male mate choice in a promiscuous fission-fusion fish society Jean-Guy J. Godin, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada Tuesday 25th November 2014, 11AM, amphitheatre Monge…
Sexual selection in viscous populations Tommaso Pizzari, Edward Grey Institute, Department of Zoology, University of Oxford, Oxford Thursday 2nd October 2014, 11AM, amphitheatre Monge…
Biominerals responding to environmental changes – the clock is ticking Maggie Cusack, School of Geographical & Earth Sciences, université de Glasgow Tuesday 9th September 2014, 11AM, amphitheatre Guyton de Morveau…
Sénescence chez les populations sauvages de mammifères Jean-François Lemaître, UMR CNRS 5558 – LBBE “biométrie et biologie évolutive”, université de Lyon 1 Friday 21st February 2014, 11AM, amphitheatre Monge…
Isotopic and nanoscale textural evidences for the biogenicity of the oldest cellular structures (3.4 billion years old) Kevin Lepot, université de Lille 1, laboratoire Géosystèmes, UMR 8217, Villeneuve d’Ascq Thursday 27th…
Negotiation for resources in sibling barn owls: a model of dynamics of animal communication Amélie Dreiss, université de Lausanne Friday 15th November 2013, 11Am, amphitheatre Monge…
Evolution of plumage coloration and parasite epidemiology in urban pigeons Lisa Jacquin, université Paris 6 Friday 8th November 2013, 11AM, amphitheatre Monge…
Mothers control how offspring deal with parasites Heinz Richner, Evolutionary Ecology Lab, University of Bern, Bern, Suisse Friday 18th October 2013, 11AM, amphitheatre Monge…