publications 2020
Alford L., Louâpre P., Mougel F. & van Baaren J. 2020. Measuring the evolutionary potential of a winter-active parasitic wasp to climate change. Oecologia, 194, (43862) : 41-50. [hal-02959770]
Amédro F., Deconinck J.-F. & Matrion B. 2020. Les argiles albiennes de Saint-Florentin (Yonne) : repères stratigraphiques et séquences dans une succession condensée. Minéralogie et contrôle climato-eustatique. Annales de la Société Géologique du Nord, 27, (2) : 9-22. [hal-03104120]
Amédro F., Robaszynski F., Châtelier H., Ferchaud P., Matrion B. 2020. Identification d’un biohorizon d’ammonites à Romaniceras (Romaniceras) marigniacum sp. nov. (Turonien moyen) à la base du Tuffeau Jaune de Touraine (France). Carnets de Géologie, 2020, (4) : 37-89. [hal-02546817]
Amédro F., Robaszynski F., Châtelier H., Ferchaud P., Matrion B., Bréhéret J.-G. 2020. Des nouveautés sur les tuffeaux du Turonien moyen et sur leurs faunes d’ammonites en Touraine méridionale. Bulletin d’Information des Géologues du Bassin de Paris, 57, (2) : 3-33. [hal-02943219]
Amoussou E., Awoye H., Totin Vodounon H.S., Obahoundje S., Camberlin P., Diedhiou A., Kouadio K., Mahé G., Houndénou C. & Boko M. 2020. Climate and extreme rainfall events in the Mono river basin (West Africa): investigating future changes with Regional Climate Models. Water, 12, (3) : 833. [hal-02733201]
Andrews C., Masters J.C., Génin F. & Couette S. 2020. The evolution of palate shape in the Lepilemur-Cheirogaleidae clade (Primates: Strepsirrhini). American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 173, (2) : 307-321. [hal-02930900]
Arbez L., Montuire S. & Royer A. 2020. Migrations et changements climatiques : l’histoire évolutive des lemmings. In: Revue scientifique Bourgogne-Franche-Comté Nature, 31 : 269-274 – Actes du colloque : « 16èmes Rencontres Bourgogne-Franche-Comté Nature« , Saint-Brisson (France), 2019. [hal-02992901]
Babin A., Motreuil S., Teixeira M., Bauer A., Rigaud T., Moreau J. & Moret Y. 2020. Origin of the natural variation in the storage of dietary carotenoids in freshwater amphipod crustaceans. PLoS ONE, 15, (4) : e0231247. [hal-02545953]
Bayon G., Lambert T., Vigier N., De Deckker P., Freslon N., Jang K., Larkin C.S., Piotrowski A.M., Tachikawa K., Thollon M. & Tipper E. T. 2020. Rare earth element and neodymium isotope tracing of sedimentary rock weathering. Chemical Geology, 553 : 119794. [hal-03045577]
Béguinot J. 2020. Investigations sur la distribution des arthropodes cécidogènes (inducteurs de «galles» sur les plantes) au long de la «Côte bourguignonne», entre Chatillon-sur-Seine et Mâcon. Bulletin de la Société Linnéenne de Lyon, 89, (11-12) : 235-250. [hal-03104249]
Béguinot J. 2020. Suivi temporel des communautés d’espèces à l’échelon local – richesse spécifique et distribution des abondances : quelques précautions méthodologiques s’imposent ! In: Revue scientifique Bourgogne-Franche-Comté Nature, 31 : 299-306 – Actes du colloque : « 16èmes Rencontres Bourgogne-Franche-Comté Nature« , Saint-Brisson (France), 2019. [hal-03006834]
Binetruy F., Garnier S., Boulanger N., Talagrand-Reboul E., Loire E., Faivre B., Noël V., Buysse M. & Duron O. 2020. A novel Borrelia species, intermediate between Lyme disease and relapsing fever groups, in neotropical passerine-associated ticks. Scientific Reports, 10, (1) : 10596. [hal-02911742]
Bois B. 2020. Impacts du réchauffement climatique sur les vignobles : approche synthétique. In: Fluctuations climatiques et vignobles. Du Néolithique à l’actuel : impacts, résilience et perspectives (Eds: J. Pérard & C. Wolikow), Chaire UNESCO « Culture et Traditions du Vin » : 173-188 – Actes du colloque : « Rencontres du Clos-Vougeot 2019« , Vougeot (France), 2019. [hal-02992998]
Bois B., Pauthier B., Brillante L., Mathieu O., Lévêque J., Van Leeuwen C., Castel T. & Richard Y. 2020. Sensitivity of grapevine soil-water balance to rainfall spatial variability at local scale level. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 8 : 110. [hal-02935121]
Bouchenak-Khelladi Y., February E.C., Verboom G.A. & Boucher F.C. 2020. C4 grass functional traits are correlated with biotic and abiotic gradients in an African savanna. Plant Ecology, 221, (4) : 241-254. [hal-02542111]
Bougeault C., Durlet C., Vennin E., Muller E., Ader M., Ghaleb B., Gérard E., Virgone A. & Gaucher E.C. 2020. Variability of carbonate isotope signatures in a hydrothermally influenced system: insights from the Pastos Grandes caldera (Bolivia). Minerals, 10, (11) : 989. [hal-03004450]
Bourillot R., Vennin E., Dupraz C., Pace A., Foubert A., Rouchy J.-M., Patrier P., Blanc P., Bernard D., Lesseur J. & Visscher P.T. 2020. The record of environmental and microbial signatures in ancient microbialites: the terminal carbonate complex form the Neogene basins of southeastern Spain. Minerals, 10, (3) : 276. [hal-02530135]
Bouton A., Vennin E., Amiotte-Suchet P., Thomazo C., Sizun J.-P., Virgone A., Gaucher E.C. & Visscher P.T. 2020. Prediction of the calcium carbonate budget in a sedimentary basin: a « source-to-sink » approach applied to Great Salt Lake, Utah, USA. Basin Research, 32, (5) : 1015-1044. [hal-02986949]
Bouton A., Vennin E., Thomazo C., Mathieu O., Garcia F., Jaubert M. & Visscher P.T. 2020. Microbial origin of the organic matter preserved in the Cayo Coco lagoonal network, Cuba. Minerals, 10, (2) : 143. [hal-02545912]
Brayard A., Olivier N., Vennin E., Jenks J.F., Bylund K.G., Stephen D.A., McShinsky D.M., Goudemand N., Fara E. & Escarguel G. 2020. New middle and late Smithian ammonoid faunas from the Utah/Arizona border: new evidence for calibrating Early Triassic transgressive-regressive trends and paleobiogeographical signals in the western USA basin. Global and Planetary Change, 192 : 103251. [hal-02883322]
Briard J., Pucéat E., Vennin E., Daëron M., Chavagnac V., Jaillet R., Merle D. & de Rafélis M. 2020. Seawater paleotemperature and paleosalinity evolution in neritic environments of the Mediterranean margin: insights from isotope analysis of bivalve shells. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 543 : 109582. [hal-02449079]
Camberlin P., Kpanou M., Roucou P. 2020. Classification of intense rainfall days in southern West Africa and associated atmospheric circulation. Atmosphere, 11, (2) :188. [hal-02542059]
Carmeille M., Bourillot R., Pellenard P., Dupias V., Schnyder J., Riquier L., Mathieu O., Brunet M.-F., Enay R., Grossi V., Gaborieau C., Razin P. & Visscher P.T. 2020. Formation of microbial organic carbonates during the Late Jurassic from the Northern Tethys (Amu Darya Basin, Uzbekistan): implications for Jurassic anoxic events. Global and Planetary Change, 186 : 103127. [hal-02511298]
Carpentier C., Vennin E., Rouchy J.-M., Cornée J.-J., Melinte-Dobrinescu M., Hibsch C., Olivier N., Caruso A. & Bartier D. 2020. Ages and stratigraphical architecture of late Miocene deposits in the Lorca Basin (Betics, SE Spain): New insights for the salinity crisis in marginal basins. Sedimentary Geology, 405 : 105700. [hal-03005763]
Castex V., García de Cortázar-Atauri I., Calanca P., Beniston M. & Moreau J. 2020. Assembling and testing a generic phenological model to predict Lobesia botrana voltinism for impact studies. Ecological Modelling, 420 : 108946. [hal-02541785]
Charbonnier G., Duchamp-Alphonse S., Deconinck J.-F., Adatte T., Spangenberg J.E., Colin C. & Föllmi K.B. 2020. A global palaeoclimatic reconstruction for the Valanginian based on clay mineralogical and geochemical data. Earth-Science Reviews, 202 : 103092. [hal-02448620]
Cohen C. 2020. Paleontology, early modern. In: Encyclopedia of Early Modern Philosophy and the Sciences (Eds: D. Jalobeanu & C.T. Wolfe), Springer International Publishing : 1-12. [hal-02986690]
Corentin P., Deconinck J.-F., Pellenard P., Amédro F., Bruneau L., Chenot E., Matrion B., Huret E. & Landrein P. 2020. Environmental and climatic controls of the clay mineralogy of Albian deposits in the Paris and Vocontian basins (France). Cretaceous Research, 108 : 104342. [hal-02436436]
Couette S. 2020. Biodiversité et taxinomie chez les primates : entre extinction et inflation. In: Revue scientifique Bourgogne-Franche-Comté Nature, 31 : 203-210 – Actes du colloque : « 16èmes Rencontres Bourgogne-Franche-Comté Nature« , Saint-Brisson (France), 2019. [hal-03006747]
Crétat J., Braconnot P., Terray P., Marti O. & Falasca F. 2020. Mid-Holocene to present-day evolution of the Indian monsoon in transient global simulations. Climate Dynamics, 55 : 2761-2784. [hal-02917828]
Csapó H., Krzywozniak P., Grabowski M., Wattier R., Bacela-Spychalska K., Mamos T., Jelic M. & Rewicz T. 2020. Successful post-glacial colonization of Europe by single lineage of freshwater amphipod from its Pannonian Plio-Pleistocene diversification hotspot. Scientific Reports, 10, (1) : 18695. [hal-02985537]
Danzelle J., Riquier L., Baudin F., Thomazo C. & Pucéat E. 2020. Nitrogen and carbon cycle perturbations through the Cenomanian-Turonian oceanic anoxic event 2 (~94 Ma) in the Vocontian Basin (SE France). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 538 : 109443. [hal-02429991]
David M., Cantat O. & Planchon O. 2020. Chaleur en Normandie, types de circulation atmosphérique et changement climatique (1970-2019). In: Changement climatique et territoires (Eds: V. Bonnardot & H. Quenol), Association Internationale de Climatologie : 187-192 – Actes du colloque : « 33ème Colloque de l’Association Internationale de Climatologie« , Rennes (France), 2020. [hal-02969412]
De Ridder C. & Saucède T. 2020. Chapter 20 – Echinocardium cordatum. In: Sea Urchins: Biology and Ecology (4th Edition) (Eds: John M. Lawrence), Elsevier. Developments in Aquaculture and Fisheries Science, 43 : 337-357. [hal-02454599]
Deconinck J.-F., Gómez J.J., Baudin F., Biscay H., Bruneau L., Cocquerez T., Mathieu O., Pellenard P. & Santoni A.-L. 2020. Diagenetic and environmental control of the clay mineralogy, organic matter and stable isotopes (C, O) of Jurassic (Pliensbachian-lowermost Toarcian) sediments of the Rodiles section (Asturian Basin, Northern Spain). Marine and Petroleum Geology, 115 : 104286. [hal-02511232]
Demarchi B., Presslee S., Sakalauskaite J., Fischer R. & Best J. 2020. The role of birds at Çatalhöyük revealed by the analysis of eggshell. Quaternary International, 543 : 50-60 – Actes du colloque : « 9th ICAZ Bird Working Group Meeting« , Sheffield (UK), 2018. [hal-02922014]
Depeux C., Lemaître J.-F., Moreau J., Dechaume-Moncharmont F.-X., Laverre T., Pauhlac H., Gaillard J.-M. & Beltran-Bech S. 2020. Reproductive senescence and parental effects in an indeterminate grower. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 33, (9) : 1256-1264. [hal-03060301]
Depeux C., Samba-Louaka A., Becking T., Braquart-Varnier C., Moreau J., Lemaître J.-F., Laverré T., Paulhac H., Dechaume-Moncharmont F.-X., Gaillard J.-M. & Beltran-Bech S. 2020. The crustacean Armadillidium vulgare (Latreille, 1804) (Isopoda: Oniscoidea), a new promising model for the study of cellular senescence. Journal of Crustacean Biology, 40, (2) : 194-199. [hal-03060295]
Dunn A.M., Rigaud T. & Ford A.T. 2020. Chapter 14. Environmental influences on crustacean sex determination and reproduction: environmental sex determination, parasitism and pollution. In: The Natural History of the Crustacea: Reproductive Biology, Volume 6 (Eds: R.D. Cothran & M. Thiel), Oxford University Press : 394-428. [hal-02521880]
Durand-Bessart C., Tixier P., Quinteros A., Andreotti F., Rapidel B., Tauvel C. & Allinne C. 2020. Analysis of interactions amongst shade trees, coffee foliar diseases and coffee yield in multistrata agroforestry systems. Crop Protection, 133 : 105137. [hal-02573763]
Emery J., Marilleau N., Martiny N. & Thévenin T. 2020. Le modèle SCAUP : Simulation multi-agents à partir de données de CApteurs Urbains pour la Pollution atmosphérique automobile. Cybergeo : 944. [hal-02929024]
Fabri-Ruiz S., Danis B., Navarro N., Koubbi P., Laffont R. & Saucède T. 2020. Benthic ecoregionalization based on echinoid fauna of the Southern Ocean supports current proposals of Antarctic Marine Protected Areas under IPCC scenarios of climate change. Global Change Biology, 26, (4) : 2161-2180. [hal-02521931]
Fabri-Ruiz S., Navarro N., Laffont R., Danis B. & Saucède T. 2020. Diversity of Antarctic echinoids and ecoregions of the Southern Ocean. In: Biology Bulletin, 47, (6) : 683-698 – Actes du colloque : « 10th European Conference on Echinoderms« , Moscou (Russia), 2019. [hal-03110602]
Falasca F., Crétat J., Braconnot P. & Bracco A. 2020. Spatiotemporal complexity and time-dependent networks in sea surface temperature from mid- to late Holocene. European Physical Journal Plus, 135, (5) : 392. [hal-02615403]
Fara E. 2020. Un regard paléontologique sur la « 6e extinction de masse ». In: Revue scientifique Bourgogne-Franche-Comté Nature, 31 : 195-201 – Actes du colloque : « 16èmes Rencontres Bourgogne-Franche-Comté Nature« , Saint-Brisson (France), 2019. [hal-03006726]
Fathalli B., Castel T. & Pohl B. 2020. Simulated effects of land immersion on regional arid climate: a case study of the pre-Saharan playa of Chott el-Jerid (south of Tunisia). Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 140 : 231-250. [hal-02433825]
Fayard M., Dechaume-Moncharmont F.-X., Wattier R. & Perrot-Minnot M.-J. 2020. Magnitude and direction of parasite-induced phenotypic alterations: a meta-analysis in acanthocephalans. Biological Reviews, 95, (5) : 1233-1251. [hal-02562003]
Fernández-García M., López-García J.M., Royer A., Lécuyer C., Allué E., Burjachs F., Chacón M.G., Saladié P., Vallverdú J. & Carbonell E. 2020. Combined palaeoecological methods using small-mammal assemblages to decipher environmental context of a long-term Neanderthal settlement in northeastern Iberia. Quaternary Science Reviews, 228 : 106072. [hal-02430034]
Foltête J.-C., Savary P., Clauzel C., Bourgeois M., Girardet X., Sahraoui Y., Vuidel G. & Garnier S. 2020. Coupling landscape graph modeling and biological data: a review. Landscape Ecology, 35 : 1035–1052. [halshs-02524370]
Frochot B., Rigaud T., Godreau V. 2020. Les oiseaux nicheurs de Bourgogne, période 2006-2018. Revue scientifique Bourgogne-Franche-Comté Nature, 31, ( ) : 168-177. [hal-03002220]
Gavrilescu C., Bois B., Planchon O., Castel T., Larmure A., Ouvrié M. & Richard Y. 2020. Variabilité des extrêmes thermiques et impacts sur la viticulture : l’évolution du risque de gel de printemps en Bourgogne Franche-Comté. In: Fluctuations climatiques et vignobles. Du Néolithique à l’actuel : impacts, résilience et perspectives (Eds: J. Pérard & C. Wolikow), Chaire UNESCO « Culture et Traditions du Vin » : 349-358 – Actes du colloque : « Rencontres du Clos-Vougeot 2019« , Vougeot (France), 2019. [hal-02992611]
Gavrilescu C., Richard Y., Rega M., Planchon O. & Bois B. 2020. Dynamique spatio-temporelle d’un événement extrême froid : impact de la circulation atmosphérique sur les basses températures en Bourgogne viticole. In: Changement climatique et territoires (Eds: V. Bonnardot & H. Quenol), Association Internationale de Climatologie : 343-348 – Actes du colloque : « 33ème Colloque de l’Association Internationale de Climatologie« , Rennes (France), 2020. [hal-02969443]
Goedert J., Cochard D., Lenoble A., Lorvelec O., Pisanu B. & Royer A. 2020. Seasonal demography of different black rat (Rattus rattus) populations under contrasting natural habitats in Guadeloupe (Lesser Antilles, Caribbean). Mammal Research, 65, (4) : 793-804. [hal-02986612]
Goedert J., Cochard D., Lorvelec O., Oberlin C., Cuzange M.-T., Royer A. & Lenoble A. 2020. Isotopic ecology and extirpation chronology of the extinct Lesser Antillean native rodent Antillomys rayi Brace et al. (2015). Quaternary Science Reviews, 245 : 106509. [hal-02923928]
Gorzelak P., Salamon M.A., Brom K., Oji T., Oguri K., Kolbuk D., Dec M., Brachaniec T. & Saucède T. 2020. Experimental neoichnology of post-autotomy arm movements of sea lilies and possible evidence of thrashing behaviour in Triassic holocrinids. Scientific Reports, 10, (1) : 15147. [hal-02971190]
Guensburg T.E., Sprinkle J., Mooi R., Lefebvre B., David B., Roux M. & Derstler K. 2020. Athenacrinus n. gen. and other early echinoderm taxa inform crinoid origin and arm evolution. Journal of Paleontology, 94, (2) : 311-333. [hal-02405959]
Guillaumot C., Danis B. & Saucède T. 2020. Selecting environmental descriptors is critical for modelling the distribution of Antarctic benthic species. Polar Biology, 43, (9) : 1363-1381. [hal-02985328]
Guillaumot C., Moreau C., Danis B. & Saucède T. 2020. Extrapolation in species distribution modelling. application to Southern Ocean marine species. Progress in Oceanography, 188 : 102438. [hal-02985372]
Guillaumot C., Saucède T., Morley S. A., Augustine S., Danis B. & Kooijman S. 2020. Can DEB models infer metabolic differences between intertidal and subtidal morphotypes of the Antarctic limpet Nacella concinna (Strebel, 1908)? Ecological Modelling, 430 : 109088. [hal-02733236]
Ibáñez-Ãlamo J.D., Jimeno B., Gil D., Thomson R.L., Aguirre J.I., Díez-Fernández A., Faivre B., Tieleman B.I. & Figuerola J. 2020. Physiological stress does not increase with urbanization in European blackbirds: evidence from hormonal, immunological and cellular indicators. Science of the Total Environment, 721 : 137332. [hal-02866134]
Iltis C., Moreau J., Manière C., Thiery D., Delbac L. & Louâpre P. 2020. Where you come from matters: temperature influences host-parasitoid interaction through parental effects. Oecologia, 192, (3) : 853-863. [hal-02521753]
Iltis C., Moreau J., Pecharová K., Thiéry D. & Louâpre P. 2020. Reproductive performance of the European grapevine moth Lobesia botrana (Tortricidae) is adversely affected by warming scenario. Journal of Pest Science, 93, (2) : 679-689. [hal-02531426]
Jattiot R., Bucher H. & Brayard A. 2020. Smithian (Early Triassic) ammonoid faunas from Timor: taxonomy and biochronology. Palaeontographica, Abteilung A: Palaozoologie – Stratigraphie, 317, (1-6) : 1-137. [hal-02615367]
Jattiot R., Gris A. & Trincal V. 2020. New occurrence of the middle Toarcian Telodactylites eucosmus (Lippi Boncambi, 1947) (Ammonitina) from the NW European realm, and introduction of a new genus. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie – Abhandlungen, 295, (1) : 53-60. [hal-02540012]
Jazdzewska A. M., Rewicz T., Mamos T., Wattier R., Bacela-Spychalska K. & Grabowski M. 2020. Cryptic diversity and mtDNA phylogeography of the invasive demon shrimp, Dikerogammarus haemobaphes (Eichwald, 1841), in Europe. NeoBiota, 57 : 53-86. [hal-02883398]
Jehan C., Chogne M., Rigaud T. & Moret Y. 2020. Sex-specific patterns of senescence in artificial insect populations varying in sex-ratio to manipulate reproductive effort. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 20, (1) : 18. [hal-02542222]
Khimoun A., Doums C., Molet M., Kaufmann B., Péronnet R., Eyer P.A. & Mona S. 2020. Urbanization without isolation: the absence of genetic structure among cities and forests in the tiny acorn ant Temnothorax nylanderi. Biology Letters, 16, (1) : 20190741. [hal-02464191]
Kuzmin R., Anstett M.-C. & Louâpre P. 2020. White Peach Scale, Pseudaulacaspis pentagona (Targ.) (Hemiptera: Diaspididae), is affected by host plant variety in a blackcurrant orchard. Entomologia Generalis, 40, (4) : 377-383. [hal-03097550]
Labaude S., Cézilly F., De Marco L. & Rigaud T. 2020. Increased temperature has no consequence for behavioral manipulation despite effects on both partners in the interaction between a crustacean host and a manipulative parasite. Scientific Reports, 10, (1) : 11670. [hal-02923894]
Lang A., Mijowska S., Polishchuk I., Fermani S., Falini G., Katsman A., Marin F. & Pokroy B. 2020. Acidic Monosaccharides become Incorporated into Calcite Single Crystals. Chemistry-A European Journal, 26, (70) : 16860-16868. [hal-03082679]
Laurent L., Buoncristiani J.-F., Pohl B., Zekollari H., Farinotti D., Huss M., Mugnier J.-L. & Pergaud J. 2020. The impact of climate change and glacier mass loss on the hydrology in the Mont-Blanc massif. Scientific Reports, 10, (1) : 10420. [hal-02883462]
Lechuga-Crespo J.L., Sánchez-Pérez J.M., Sauvage S., Hartmann J., Amiotte-Suchet P., Probst J. & Ruiz-Romera E. 2020. A model for evaluating continental chemical weathering from riverine transports of dissolved major elements at a global scale. Global and Planetary Change, 192 : 103226. [hal-02896415]
Léon J.-F., Martiny N. & Merlet S. 2020. A multi linear regression model to derive dust PM10 in the Sahel using AERONET aerosol optical depth and CALIOP aerosol layer products. Remote Sensing, 12, (18) : 3099. [hal-02999019]
Lkebir N., Rolland T., Monna F., Masrour M., Bouchaou L., Fara E., Navarro N., Wilczek J., Beraaouz E. H., Chateau-Smith C. & Pérez-Lorente F. 2020. Anza palaeoichnological site, late Cretaceous, Morocco. Part III: comparison between traditional and photogrammetric records. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 172 : 103985. [halshs-02955787]
Mahaut L., Cheptou P.-O., Fried G., Munoz F., Storkey J., Vasseur F., Violle C. & Bretagnolle F. 2020. Weeds: against the rules? Trends in Plant Science, 25, (11) : 1107-1116. [hal-02894548]
Marin F. 2020. Mollusc shellomes: past, present and future. Journal of Structural Biology, 212, (1) : 107583. [hal-02923864]
Marin F., Jackson D., Pasche D., Harrington M.J., Perrin J., Thomas J., Garcia A., Gilletta L., Luquet D. & Motreuil S. 2020. « Il faut sauver le soldat Pinna ! » La Grande nacre de Méditerranée, bivalve patrimonial, est en grave danger d’extinction. In: Revue scientifique Bourgogne-Franche-Comté Nature, 31 : 232-242 – Actes du colloque : « 16èmes Rencontres Bourgogne-Franche-Comté Nature« , Saint-Brisson (France), 2019. [hal-02882309]
Marín J., Daujeard C., Saladié P., Rodríguez-Hidalgo A., Vettese D., Rivals F., Boulbes N., Crégut-Bonnoure E., Lateur N., Gallotti R., Arbez L., Puaud S. & Moncel M.-H. 2020. Neanderthal faunal exploitation and settlement dynamics at the Abri du Maras, level 5 (south-eastern France). Quaternary Science Reviews, 243 : 106472. [hal-02957845]
Martinez M., Guillois L., Boulvais P. & Deconinck J.-F. 2020. Inverted responses of the carbon cycle to orbital forcing in Mesozoic peri-platform marginal basins: implications for astrochronology. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, 35, (6) : e2019PA003705. [insu-02611080]
Mbehang Nguema P.P., Onanga R., Ndong Atome G.R., Obague Mbeang J.C., Mabika Mabika A., Yaro M., Lounnas M., Dumont Y., Zohra Z.F., Godreuil S. & Bretagnolle F. 2020. Characterization of ESBL-producing enterobacteria from fruit bats in an unprotected area of Makokou, Gabon. Microorganisms, 8, (1) : 138. [hal-02464255]
Mercuzot M., Pellenard P., Durlet C., Bougeault C., Meister C., Dommergues J.-L., Thibault N., Baudin F., Mathieu O., Bruneau L., Huret E. & El Hmidi K. 2020. Carbon-isotope events during the Pliensbachian (Lower Jurassic) on the African and European margins of the NW Tethyan Realm. Newsletters on Stratigraphy, 53, (1) : 41-69. [insu-02093953]
Meyer N., Bollache L., Dechaume-Moncharmont F.-X., Moreau J., Afonso E., Angerbjörn A., Bêty J., Ehrich D., Gilg V., Giroux M.-A., Hansen J., Lanctot R.B., Lang J., Lecomte N., McKinnon L., Reneerkens J., Saalfeld S.T., Sabard B., Schmidt N.M., Sittler B., Smith P., Sokolov A., Sokolov V., Sokolova N., van Bemmelen R. & Gilg O. 2020. Nest attentiveness drives nest predation in arctic sandpipers. Oikos, 129, (10) : 1481-1492. [hal-02961741]
Mialhe P., Pohl B., Morel B., Trentmann J., Jumaux G., Bonnardot F., Bessafi M., Chabriat J.-P. 2020. On the determination of coherent solar climates over a tropical island with a complex topography. Solar Energy, 206 : 508-521. [hal-02901907]
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