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publications 2023

Abi Nader A., Albaric J., Steinmann M., Hibert C., Malet J.-P., Sue C., Fores B., Marchand A., Gros M., Celle H., Pohl B., Stefani V. & Boetsch A. 2023. Machine learning prediction of groundwater heights from passive seismic wavefield. Geophysical Journal International, 234, (3) : 1807-1818. [hal-04100453]

Ait-Itto F.-Z., Martinez M., Deconinck J.-F. & Bodin S. 2023. Astronomical calibration of the OAE1b from the Col de Pré-Guittard section (Aptian-Albian), Vocontian Basin, France. Cretaceous Research, 150 : 105618. [insu-04128080]

Amédro F. & Matrion B. 2023. Les argiles albiennes (Gault) de la Baie de Wissant (Pas-de-Calais) : nouvelles observations lithologiques. Annales de la Société Géologique du Nord, 29, (2) : 47-56. [hal-04016607]

Amédro F., Deconinck J.-F., Ferry S. & Landrein P. 2023. Les formations du Crétacé inférieur (Berriasien/Valanginien à Albien) du département de l’Aube (Est du Bassin parisien) : lithostratigraphie et environnements de dépôt. Géologie de la France, 3 : 36-62. [hal-04065279]

Amédro F., Graveleau F., Hofmann A., Trentesaux A. & Tribovillard N. 2023. La craie glauconieuse de Lezennes et ses « tuns » dans le forage de la cité scientifique de Villeneuve d’Ascq (Nord) : interprétation d’une succession ultra condensée à la limite Turonien-Coniacien. Annales de la Société Géologique du Nord, 30, (2) : 49-78. [hal-04335185]

Amédro F., Guével B., Matrion B., Robaszynski F. & Châtelier H. 2023. Quelques ammonites rares du Turonien type, dont Romaniceras mexicanum et Subprionocyclus bravaisianus près de Langeais et Azay-le-Rideau (Indre-et-Loire). Annales de la Société Géologique du Nord, 30, (2) : 17-40. [hal-04347369]

Andrews C.A., Couette S., Delpero M., Pozzi L. & Turner T. 2023. In memory of Judith Masters and Fabien Génin. American Journal of Biological Anthropology, 180, (1) : 3-5. [hal-03911626]

Andrialovanirina N., Couette S., Laffont R., Poloni L., Lutet-Toti C., Mahé K. & Poisson Caillault É. 2023. Asymmetry of sagittal otolith shape based on inner ear side tested on Mediterranean red mullet (Mullus barbatus Linnaeus, 1758): comparative analysis of 2D and 3D otolith shape data. Symmetry, 15, (5) : 1067. [hal-04094937]

Andrialovanirina N., Hache A., Mahé K., Couette S. & Poisson Caillault É. 2023. Automatic method to transform routine otolith images for a standardized otolith database using R. Cybium, 47, (1) : 31-42. [hal-04152498]

Andrialovanirina N., Roos D., Gentil C., Telliez S., Dussuel A., Elleboode R., Mackenzie K., Poisson Caillault É., Couette S. & Mahé K. 2023. Spatial structuring of the main demersal fish around Réunion Island (Western Indian Ocean) based on the external shape of their otoliths. Cybium, 47, (1) : 43-57. [hal-04152585]

Arbez L., Hadravová T., Royer A., Montuire S. & Horácek I. 2023. The wood lemming and the development of taiga in Late Pleistocene Central Europe. Quaternary Science Reviews, 303 : 107974. [hal-03983135]

Aslanian D., Pellen R., Rabineau M., Moulin M., Leroux E., Delaunay A., Baby G., Courgeon S., Linol B., Suc J.-P., Popescu S., Fauquette S., Mazza P.P.A., Couette S., Delpero M., Huck T., Penven P., Le Hir T., Zhang Y., Génin F. & Masters J. 2023. The postulation of intermittent land bridges as an explanation for reiterated colonization events of Madagascar by African vertebrates: an in-depth review and novel insights in honour of the late Judith Masters and Fabien Génin. Earth-Science Reviews, 246 : 104585. [hal-04245349]

Aubert I., Bitault H., Léonide P., Fournier F., Godeau N., Lamarche J., Deschamps P., Corrêa R.S.M. & Marié L. 2023. Effect of normal fault activity on carbonate reservoir diagenetic evolution (Urgonian facies, SE France). Marine and Petroleum Geology, 158 : 106546. [hal-04276075]

Baca M., Popovic D., Agadzhanyan A.K., Baca K., Conard N.J., Fewlass H., Filek T., Golubinski M., Horácek I., Knul M.V., Krajcarz M., Krokhaleva M., Lebreton L., Lemanik A., Maul L.C., Nagel D., Noiret P., Primault J., Rekovets L., Rhodes S.E., Royer A., Serdyuk N.V., Soressi M., Stewart J.R., Strukova T., Talamo S., Wilczynski J. & Nadachowski A. 2023. Ancient DNA of narrow-headed vole reveal common features of the Late Pleistocene population dynamics in cold-adapted small mammals. Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences, 290, (1993) : 20222238. [hal-04064818]

Baca M., Popovic D., Lemanik A., Bañuls-Cardona S., Conard N.J., Cuenca-Bescós G., Desclaux E., Fewlass H., Garcia J.T., Hadravova T., Heckel G., Horácek I., Knul M.V., Lebreton L., López-García J.M., Luzi E., Markovic Z., Mauch Lenardic J., Murelaga X., Noiret P., Petculescu A., Popov V., Rhodes S.E., Ridush B., Royer A., Stewart J.R., Stojak J., Talamo S., Wang X., Wójcik J.M. & Nadachowski A. 2023. Ancient DNA reveals interstadials as a driver of common vole population dynamics during the last glacial period Journal of Biogeography, 50, (1) : 183-196. [hal-03848593]

Bacela-Spychalska K., Wattier R., Teixeira M., Cordaux R., Quiles A., Grabowski M., Wroblewski P., Ovcharenko M., Grabner D., Weber D., Weigand A.M. & Rigaud T. 2023. Widespread infection, diversification and old host associations of Nosema Microsporidia in European freshwater gammarids (Amphipoda). PLoS Pathogens, 19, (8) : e1011560. [hal-04178588]

Beccaletto L., Mercuzot M., Bourquin S. & Pellenard P. 2023. Les bassins carbonifères-permiens du sud du Bassin parisien et du nord du Massif central. Géochronique, 168 : 41-49. [insu-04341774]

Béguinot J. 2023. A bias-controlled statistical procedure to highlight host-plant preferences and the resulting prevalences in phytophagous insects: illustrative case study with leaf-miners on Lamiaceae. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France, 59, (5) : 313-325. [hal-04272564]

Béguinot J. 2023. Contribution à l’inventaire des micromycètes parasites de plantes sauvages dans le Champsaur (Alpes françaises, Parc National des Ecrins). Bulletin de la Société Linnéenne de Lyon, 92, (1-2) : 47-55. [hal-04016246]

Benzerara K., Elmaleh A., Ciobanu M., De Wever A., Bertolino P., Iniesto M., Jézéquel D., López-García P., Menguy N., Muller E., Skouri-Panet F., Swaraj S., Tavera R., Thomazo C. & Moreira D. 2023. Biomineralization of amorphous Fe-, Mn- and Si-rich mineral phases by cyanobacteria under oxic and alkaline conditions. Biogeosciences, 20, (19) : 4183-4195. [hal-04273002]

Berzaghi F., Bretagnolle F., Durand-Bessart C. & Blake S. 2023. Megaherbivores modify forest structure and increase carbon stocks through multiple pathways. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 120, (5) : e2201832120. [hal-03959769]

Bigot S., Ullmann A., Cantat O. & Briche E. 2023. Changement climatique : les territoires acteurs des trajectoires d’adaptation et de transition. Climatologie, 20. [hal-04273274]

Bigot S., Ullmann A., Cantat O. & Briche E. 2023. Numéro thématique ‘Changement climatique : les territoires acteurs des trajectoires d’adaptation et de transition écologique’. Climatologie, 20 : 1. [hal-04273242]

Blazejowski B., Pszczólkowski A., Grabowski J., Wierzbowski H., Deconinck J.-F., Olempska E., Teodorski A. & Nawrocki J. 2023. Integrated stratigraphy and clay mineralogy of the Owadów-Brzezinki section (Lower-Upper Tithonian transition, central Poland): implications for correlations between the Boreal and the Tethyan domains and palaeoclimate. Journal of the Geological Society, 180, (2) : jgs2022-073. [hal-04016488]

Bois B., Schroeder L., Orega M., Gavrilescu C., Zhang Y., Santoni A.-L., Nicolas S., Delelee L., Zito S., Bossuat C., Rega M., Upton S. & Mathieu O. 2023. Consequences of late leaf removal on the upper part of the canopy on grapevine water status and grape characteristics of Vitis vinifera L. ‘Pinot noir’. In: Acta Horticulturae, 1370 (Eds: A. Altindisli & B. Bois) : 11-16 – Actes du colloque : « 31st International Horticultural Congress (IHC) – Horticulture for a World in Transition / International Symposium on the Vitivinicultural Sector – Which Tools to Face Current Challenges« , Angers (France), 2022. [hal-04646896]

Bonnot A. & Thomas J. 2023. Ammonites Aspidoceratoidea du Jurassique malgache (Callovien Supérieur-Tithonien). Fossiles, Hors-Série XIV. [hal-04589194]

Bonnot A. & Thomas J. 2023. Ammonites Aspidoceratoidea du Jurassique malgache (Callovien Supérieur-Tithonien). Fossiles, Hors-Série, (XIV). [hal-04589194]

Bonnot A., Fortwengler D., Neige P., Pellenard P. & Saucède T. 2023. Didier Marchand (1945-2017) : un homme d’idées. Revue scientifique Bourgogne-Franche-Comté Nature, 37 : 97-109. [hal-04193927]

Boussagol P., Vennin E., Bouton A., Roche A., Thomazo C., Kolodka C., Buoncristiani J.-F., Monna F., Musset O. & Visscher P.T. 2023. Quaternary lacustrine carbonate deposits of the Great Basin, USA : impact of climate, tectonics and substrate. Sedimentology, 70, (3) : 969-1007. [hal-04053766]

Camberlin P., Togbedji C.F., Pergaud J., Berger A., Aellig R., Fink A.H., Knippertz P., Moron V. & Philippon N. 2023. The representation of dry-season low-level clouds over Western Equatorial Africa in reanalyses and historical CMIP6 simulations. Climate Dynamics, 61 : 2815-2837. [hal-04277092]

Cambrone C., Jean-Pierre A., Bezault E. & Cézilly F. 2023. Identifying global research and conservation priorities for Columbidae: a quantitative approach using random forest models. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 11 : 1141072. [hal-04188198]

Castex V., García de Cortázar-Atauri I., Beniston M., Moreau J., Semenov M., Stoffel M. & Calanca P. 2023. Exploring future changes in synchrony between grapevine (Vitis vinifera) and its major insect pest, Lobesia botrana. OENO One, 57, (1) : 161-174. [hal-04157197]

Caulier G., Terrana L., Jossart Q., Eeckhaut I., Préat A., Motreuil S., David B. & De Ridder C. 2023. Exploring chemical stimuli guiding the pea crab Dissodactylus primitivus towards its echinoid host Meoma ventricosa. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 566 : 151922. [hal-04161792]

Caumartin J., Benzerara K., Havas R., Thomazo C., Lòpez-García P. & Duprat E. 2023. The chemical conditions necessary for the formation of microbialites. Geochemical Perspectives Letters, 25 : 30-35. [hal-04114798]

Champagne O., Aellig R., Fink A.H., Philippon N., Camberlin P., Moron V., Knippertz P., Seze G. & van der Linden R. 2023. Climatology of low-level clouds over western equatorial Africa based on ground observations and satellites. Journal of Climate, 36, (13) : 4289-4306. [hal-04168481]

Cheng L., Li Y., Foster W.J., Moreau J.-D., Yan C., Yao H., Wang C. & Chen L. 2023. First report of a Late Triassic dinosaur track from the Zigui Basin, Middle Yangtze region, China. Ichnos, 30, (2) : 115-123. [hal-04399294]

Corentin P., Pucéat E., Pellenard P., Guiraud M., Blondet J., Bayon G., Adatte T. 2023. Late Cretaceous evolution of chemical weathering at the northeastern South American margin inferred from mineralogy and Hf-Nd isotopes. Marine Geology, 455 : 106968. [hal-03911852]

Courtial-Manent L., Mugnier J.-L., Zerathe S., Carcaillet J., Vassallo R., Ravanel L., Tavernier L. & Buoncristiani J.-F. 2023. Late Holocene initiation of a deep rock slope failure in an alpine valley revealed by 10Be surface exposure dating (Chamonix, France). Quaternary International, 652 : 52-62. [hal-03836409]

Courville E., González M., Mourgues F.A., Poulin E. & Saucède T. 2023. New Species of the Genus Arbacia (Echinoidea, Arbaciidae) from the Neogene of Chile. Ameghiniana, 60, (3) : 216-235. [hal-04151204]

Courville E., Mooi R., Poulin E. & Saucède T. 2023. Arbacia ballenensis sp. nov. (Echinoidea, Arbacioida): a new species reveals diversification of the genus in Central America. Zootaxa, 5336, (4) : 555-566. [hal-04193899]

Courville E., Poulin E., Saucède T., Mooi R., Lessios H., Martínez Salinas A. & Diaz A. 2023. Taxonomic reassessment of Tetrapygus niger (Arbacioida, Echinoidea): molecular and morphological evidence support its placement in Arbacia. Zootaxa, 5375, (2) : 249-261. [hal-04398204]

Crétat J., Richard Y., Planchon O., Emery J., Poupelin M., Rega M., Pergaud J., Joly D., Diallo-Dudek J., Roy D., Granjon L. & Pohl B. 2023. Impact de la topographie et de la circulation atmosphérique sur l’îlot de chaleur urbain en situation de canicule (Dijon, France). In: Climatologie, 20 (Eds: S. Bigot, A. Ullmann, O. Cantat & E. Briche) : 10 – Actes du colloque :  » Table ronde ‘Changement climatique : les territoires acteurs des trajectoires d’adaptation et de transition écologique’« , Dijon (France), 2022. [hal-04273591]

Dai X., Brayard A., Ware D., Jiang S., Li M., Wang F., Liu X. & Song H. 2023. High-resolution Early Triassic ammonoid biostratigraphy of South Tibet, China and implications for global correlations. Earth-Science Reviews, 239 : 104384. [hal-04064938]

Dai X., Davies J.H.F.L., Yuan Z., Brayard A., Ovtcharova M., Xu G., Liu X., Smith C.P.A., Schweitzer C.E., Li M., Perrot M.G., Jiang S., Miao L., Cao Y., Yan J., Bai R., Wang F., Guo W., Song H., Tian L., Dal Corso J., Liu Y., Chu D. & Song H. 2023. A Mesozoic fossil lagerstätte from 250.8 million years ago shows a modern-type marine ecosystem. Science, 379, (6632) : 567-572. [hal-04016004]

Daniel A., Savary P., Foltête J.-C., Khimoun A., Faivre B., Ollivier A., Éraud C., Moal H., Vuidel G. & Garnier S. 2023. Validating graph-based connectivity models with independent presence-absence and genetic data sets. Conservation Biology, 37, (3) : e14047. [hal-03982222]

Debiais-Thibaud M., Marin F. & Marcellini S. 2023. Editorial: the evolution of biomineralization in metazoans. Frontiers in Genetics, 13 : 1092695. [hal-03957138]

Decraene M.-N., Marin-Carbonne J., Thomazo C., Brayard A., Bouvier A.-S., Bomou B., Adatte T. & Olivier N. 2023. Corrigendum to « Pyrite iron isotope compositions track local sedimentation conditions through the Smithian-Spathian transition (Early Triassic, Utah, USA) » [Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 617 (2023), 1-16]. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 623 : 111636. [hal-04156093]

Decraene M.-N., Marin-Carbonne J., Thomazo C., Brayard A., Bouvier A.-S., Bomou B., Adatte T. & Olivier N. 2023. Pyrite iron isotope compositions track local sedimentation conditions through the Smithian-Spathian transition (Early Triassic, Utah, USA). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 617 : 111507. [hal-04095680]

Depeux C., Branger A., Moulignier T., Moreau J., Lemaître J.-F., Dechaume-Moncharmont F.-X., Laverre T., Paulhac H., Gaillard J.-M. & Beltran-Bech S. 2023. Deleterious effects of thermal and water stresses on life history and physiology: a case study on woodlouse. Peer Community Journal – Section: Ecology, 3 : e7. [hal-03972285]

Diallo-Dudek J., Vairet T., Richard Y., Thevenin T., Martiny N., Pergaud J., Roy D., Bernard J., Bocher E., Rega M., Poupelin M., Dubois P. & Cléau-André H. 2023. Cartographier la végétation et les Local Climate Zone dans six agglomérations de Bourgogne-Franche-Comté. In: Climatologie, 20 (Eds: S. Bigot, A. Ullmann, O. Cantat & E. Briche) : 2 – Actes du colloque :  » Table ronde ‘Changement climatique : les territoires acteurs des trajectoires d’adaptation et de transition écologique’« , Dijon (France), 2022. [hal-04273339]

Discamps E., Thomas M., Dancette C., Gravina B., Plutniak S., Royer A., Angelin A., Bachellerie F., Beauval C., Bordes J.-G., Deschamps M., Langlais M., Laroulandie V., Mallye J.-B., Michel A., Perrin T., Rendu W. 2023. Breaking free from field layers: the interest of post-excavation stratigraphies (PES) for producing reliable archaeological interpretations and increasing chronological resolution. Journal of Paleolithic Archaeology, 6, (1) : 29. [halshs-04234326]

Durand-Bessart C., Cordeiro N.J., Chapman C.A., Abernethy K., Forget P.-M., Fontaine C. & Bretagnolle F. 2023. Trait-matching and sampling effort shape the structure of the frugivory network in Afrotropical forests. New Phytologist, 237, (4) : 1446-1462. [mnhn-03861008]

Durand S., Lheraud B., Giraud I., Bech N., Grandjean F., Rigaud T., Peccoud J. & Cordaux R. 2023. Heterogeneous distribution of sex ratio distorters in natural populations of the isopod Armadillidium vulgare. Biology Letters, 19, (1) : 20220457. [hal-03959969]

Eleftheriou E., Vacherie B., Labadie K., Athanassiou C., Rigaud T., Moret Y., Lefebvre T. & Madoui M.-A. 2023. Tenebrio molitor genomic structure among available populations. In: Technical and species orientated innovations in animal breeding, and contribution of genetics to solving societal challenges (Eds: R.F. Veerkamp,Y. de Haas), Wageningen Academic Publishers : 2549-2551 – Actes du colloque : « 12th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production« , Rotterdam (Pays-Bas), 2022. [hal-04196166]

Eliahou Ontiveros D., Beaugrand G., Lefebvre B., Marcilly C.M., Servais T. & Pohl A. 2023. Impact of global climate cooling on Ordovician marine biodiversity. Nature Communications, 14, (1) : 6098. [hal-04271116]

Eyer P.A., Finand B., Mona S., Khimoun A., D’ettorre P., Fédérici P., Leroy C., Cornette R., Chifflet-Belle P., Monnin T. & Doums C. 2023. Integrative characterization of genetic and phenotypic differentiation in an ant species complex with strong hierarchical population structure and low dispersal abilities. Heredity, 130, (3) : 163-176. [hal-03919838]

Fathalli B., Pohl B., Quintana-Seguí P., Tramblay Y., Ullmann A. & Castel T. 2023. Weather regimes and rainfall over Tunisia in a multi-model ensemble versus a multi-member ensemble. Climate Dynamics, 61 : 1783-1813. [hal-03936044]

Fay R., Ficheux S., Béchet A., Besnard A., Crochet P.-A., Leblois R., Crivelli A., Wattier R. & Olivier A. 2023. Direct and indirect estimates of dispersal support strong juvenile philopatry and male-biased dispersal in a freshwater turtle species (Emys orbicularis). Freshwater Biology, 68, (12) : 2042-2053. [hal-04233962]

Féral J.-P. & Saucède T. 2023. Les îles Saint-Paul et Amsterdam, une aire marine protégée française « pilote » au sud de l’océan Indien ? Espèces – Revue d’Histoire Naturelle, 47 : 21-34. [hal-03883056]

Fuentes E., Gaffard A., Rodrigues A., Millet M., Bretagnolle V., Moreau J. & Monceau K. 2023. Neonicotinoids: still present in farmland birds despite their ban. Chemosphere, 321 : 138091. [hal-03990116]

Fuentes E., Moreau J., Teixeira M., Bretagnolle V. & Monceau K. 2023. Effects of conventional vs. organic farming practices on raptor nestling health: neither black nor white. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 358 : 108719. [hal-04192120]

Gaitan C.E., Pucéat E., Pellenard P., Blondet J., Bayon G., Adatte T., Israel C., Robin C. & Guillocheau F. 2023. Late Cretaceous erosion and chemical weathering record in the offshore Cape Basin: source-to-sink system from Hf Nd isotopes and clay mineralogy. Marine Geology, 466 : 107187. [hal-04308849]

Ghienne J.-F., Abdallah H., Deschamps R., Guiraud M., Gutiérrez-Marco J.C., Konaté M., Meinhold G., Moussa A. & Rubino J.-L. 2023. The Ordovician record of North and West Africa: unravelling sea-level variations, Gondwana tectonics, and the glacial impact. In: A Global Synthesis of the Ordovician System: Part 2 (Eds: T. Servais, D.A.T. Harper, B. Lefebvre & I.G. Percival), Geological Society – Special Publication 533, (1) : 199-252. [hal-04066131]

Godefroid M., Zeimes T., Bramanti L., Romans P., Bo M., Toma M., Danis B., Dubois P. & Guillaumot C. 2023. Low vulnerability of the Mediterranean antipatharian Antipathella subpinnata (Ellis & Solander, 1786) to ocean warming. Ecological Modelling, 475 : 110209. [hal-03856980]

Gorodetskaya I.V., Durán-Alarcón C., González-Herrero S., Clem K.R., Zou X., Rowe P., Rodriguez Imazio P., Campos D., Leroy-dos Santos C., Dutrievoz N., Wille J.D., Chyhareva A., Favier V., Blanchet J., Pohl B., Cordero R.R., Park S.-J., Colwell S., Lazzara M.A., Carrasco J., Gulisano A.M., Krakovska S., Ralph F.M., Dethinne T. & Picard G. 2023. Record-high Antarctic Peninsula temperatures and surface melt in February 2022: a compound event with an intense atmospheric river. NPJ Climate and Atmospheric Science, 6 : 202. [hal-04320202]

Havas R., Thomazo C., Iniesto M., Jézéquel D., Moreira D., Tavera R., Caumartin J., Muller E., López-García P. & Benzerara K. 2023. Biogeochemical processes captured by carbon isotopes in redox-stratified water columns: a comparative study of four modern stratified lakes along an alkalinity gradient. Biogeosciences, 20, (12) : 2347-2367. [hal-04157604]

Havas R., Thomazo C., Iniesto M., Jézéquel D., Moreira D., Tavera R., Caumartin J., Muller E., López-García P. & Benzerara K. 2023. The hidden role of dissolved organic carbon in the biogeochemical cycle of carbon in modern redox-stratified lakes. Biogeosciences, 20, (12) : 2405-2424. [hal-04182498]

Henriot C., Celle-Jeanton H., Klaba V., Biguenet A., Miege C., Daval A., Amiotte-Suchet P., Beugnot J.-C., Karbowiak T. & Bertrand X. 2023. Effect of a karst system (France) on extended spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL)-producing Escherichia coli. Water Research, 230 : 119582. [hal-04157633]

Hesselbo S.P., Al-Suwaidi A., Baker S.J., Ballabio G., Belcher C.M., Bond A., Boomer I., Bos R., Bjerrum C.J., Bogus K., Boyle R., Browning J.V., Butcher A.R., Condon D.J., Copestake P., Daines S., Dalby C., Damaschke M., Damborenea S.E., Deconinck J.-F., Dickson A.J., Fendley I.M., Fox C.P., Fraguas A., Frieling J., Gibson T.A., He T., Hickey K., Hinnov L.A., Hollaar T.P., Huang C., Hudson A.J., Jenkyns H.C., Idiz E., Jiang M., Krijgsman W., Korte C., Leng M.J., Lenton T.M., Leu K., Little C.T.S., MacNiocaill C., Manceñido M.P., Mather T.A., Mattioli E., Miller K.G., Newton R.J., Page K.N., Pálfy J., Pienkowski G., Porter R.J., Poulton S.W., Riccardi A.C., Riding J.B., Roper A., Ruhl M., Silva R.L., Storm M.S., Suan G., Szucs D., Thibault N., Uchman A., Stanley J.N., Ullmann C.V., van de Schootbrugge B., Vickers M.L., Wadas S., Whiteside J.H., Wignall P.B., Wonik T., Xu W., Zeeden C. & Zhao K. 2023. Initial results of coring at Prees, Cheshire Basin, UK (ICDP JET project): towards an integrated stratigraphy, timescale, and Earth system understanding for the Early Jurassic. Scientific Drilling, 32 : 1-25. [hal-04273765]

Hollaar T.P., Hesselbo S.P., Deconinck J.-F., Damaschke M., Ullmann C.V., Jiang M. & Belcher C.M. 2023. Environmental changes during the onset of the Late Pliensbachian Event (Early Jurassic) in the Cardigan Bay Basin, Wales. Climate of the Past, 19, (5) : 979-997. [hal-04100386]

Jean-Pierre A., Loranger-Merciris G., Saint-Louis L.J. & Cézilly F. 2023. Factors affecting spatial occupancy and local abundance of the Forest Thrush, Turdus lherminieri, in Guadeloupe forests. European Journal of Wildlife Research, 69, (4) : 76. [hal-04162976]

Jossart Q., Bauman D., Moreau C.V.E., Saucède T., Christiansen H., Brasier M.J., Convey P., Downey R., Figuerola B., Martin P., Norenburg J., Rosenfeld S., Verheye M. & Danis B. 2023. A pioneer morphological and genetic study of the intertidal fauna of the Gerlache Strait (Antarctic Peninsula). Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 195, (4) : 514. [hal-04066663]

Kambire S., Elegbede B.C., Horrigue W., Koffi K.B.H., Sabre R. & Assidjo E.N. 2023. Déterminants socio-économiques de l’adoption de la motorisation en zones cotonnières ivoiriennes. Revue Internationale du Chercheur, 4, (2) : 600-623. [hal-04331931]

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